DGB Financial Group always transparently discloses company information.
Rating | Definition |
AAA | The overall ability to repay debt is at its highest level, the investment risk is extremely low, and it is stable enough to remain unaffected by any future environmental changes in the reasonably foreseeable future at this stage. |
AA | The overall ability to repay debt is very high and the investment risk is very low, but there are some inferior factors compared to the AAA rating. |
A | The investment risk is low due to the high debt repayment ability, but it is likely to be affected by sudden changes in the environment in the future. |
BBB | Although the overall debt repayment ability is recognized, there is a possibility that it will deteriorate due to changes in the environment in the future. |
BB | There is no problem with the overall debt repayment ability, but there are speculative factors in terms of future stability. |
B | It is speculative due to the lack of overall debt repayment ability and future stability cannot be asserted at the present stage. |
D | It is in a state of insolvency |
Among the above ratings, from the AA rating to the CCC rating, add either a + or - sign according to the relative degree of the rating.