

Global Initiatives

Global Initiatives

DGB Financial Group is practicing ESG management that meets global standards by identifying and applying ESG trends through various ESG initiative activities.

UN Global Compact

Joined in 2006

CEO Water Mandate

Joined in 2010

UNEP Financial Initiative

Joined in 2006

Climate Disclosure Standard Board

Joined in 2012


Select and apply SDGs suitable for DGB

Carbon Disclosure Project

Joined in 2007

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Listed on DJSI Korea for 12 consecutive years (2009~2020)
Listed on DJSI Asia-Pacific for 10 consecutive years (2010~2019)


Listed on FTSE4Good Index for 10 consecutive years (2011~2020)

Science Based Targets Initiative

Joined in 2018

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure

Joined in 2018

UN Principles for Respnsible Banking

Joined in 2018

Women's Empowerment Principles

Joined in 2019

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials

Joined in 2021

Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

Joined in 2022

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure

Joined in 2024
