


Human Rights Management

DGB Financial Group is promoting human rights management, including the issues that are emphasized in global human rights agreements, such as the Korean Labor Standards Act, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization.
We created an implementation system in accordance with the human rights management system promotion procedure recommended by the National Human Rights Commission.
We prevent human rights violations involving stakeholders by conducting a human rights impact assessment on a regular basis and fulfill our responsibilities to respect human rights by disclosing human rights-related issues in accordance with the UNGP* Reporting Framework.

* UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

For details of the content of the annual human rights impact assessment and information based on the UNGP reporting framework, please refer to the Human Rights Report on the website link below.

Human Right Report

Human Rights Statement

DGB Financial Group proclaimed the Human Rights Statement to protect human rights and prevent human rights violation of all stakeholders. DGB Financial Group promotes human rights management that complies with international standards and guidelines of the Global Human Rights Conventions such as the Korean Labor Standards Act, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UNGP(UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights), and ILO’s Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work to protect the human rights of all group’s stakeholders.

Human Rights Statement

Inclusive Finance Commitment

DGB Financial Group declared the Inclusive Finance Commitment to establish explicit principles for inclusive finance required by internal and external stakeholders of the organization. The commitment below is intended to present the direction of inclusive finance at the group level, and includes the activities related to inclusive finance promoted by DGB Financial Group's affiliates and each department.

Inclusive Finance Commitment

Occupational Health & Safety Policy


DGB Financial Group sets the following goals for the safety and health of its employees, workers, and customers.

- Create a pleasant and safe workplace by developing the Occupational health and safety management system

- Enhance members’ awareness of safety and establish Occupational health and safety supporting culture

- Prevent industrial accidents by complying with relevant laws and regulations


DGB Financial Group declares the Occupational Health & Safety Policy, and pledges to actively practice the followings.

- We set qualitative and quantitative goals for occupational safety and health. We establish and implement plans to achieve the goals on a yearly basis.

- We monitor risk factors in our workplace through the detail guidelines and take action for improvement as needed.

- We allocate sufficient human and financial resources to meet the Occupational health and safety related goals.

Scope of application

This policy applies to all executives and employees of DGB Financial Group, and contractors (suppliers etc.).
